Worship (from the galaxy within)

It is the excruciating pain that holds hands with the joy.

It is grief and unending love (at the same time).

It is a scream, followed by a belly laugh with proud tears.

It is a longing and a belonging

a yearning and a holding on.

It is a leaning in (to the lessons and to the sword) and a running away (with fear).

It is labouring over the decision and then making a choice (with a held breath).

It is the questions and the frantic dance.

It is an exhaustion so deep and an energy so wild.

It is the groan that has come deep from my spirit as I stood between heaven and earth, cracking in two to bring them earth side.

It is every contradiction I never knew existed and it is every difficult day I once took for granted when I was a child and watching her.

It is now knowing what my mother

and her mother

and her mother

and her mother went through.

One lifetime of this is not enough.

(One lifetime of this is all I get).

One lifetime of this is my greatest test of Grace.

For them and for me.

Birthing my babies

teaching my babies

growing my babies

and loving my babies.

It is all a gift from the Divine and quite honestly,

I am yet to find any worship profound enough to describe it.


The City


I Don't Want to Forget