i was raised in sunny Queensland Australia and spent a great deal of my childhood in nature.
My family's home was perched on a grassy hill above a river that weaved its way behind our house. I often found myself beside that river lighting fires, picking mulberries and rubbing herbs between the palms of my hands.
My love of herbs has been a life-long passion.
With no-one around me with which I could share this passion, I was left alone to chew on sage, bathe with rosemary, smoke eucalyptus and breathe in thyme. I kept my curiosities a secret, along with the burials of the dead animals I found beside the river. I adorned their bodies with feathers, stone and smoke, finding a quiet ceremony in everything around me. My small body was perpetually crouched towards the earth - my head cocked to the side - as I listened to nature’s wisdom. I heard stories on the breeze through the leaves of the old gum trees, and it was this which pulled me in, over and over. I often wondered if the songs the birds sang were just for me. My scrapbooks held all of their chorus’s, every single note. Each afternoon, I tucked their music and stories under my arm, as I walked back up the hill towards my home. I held onto the secrets and herbs and stories with the reverence of a little girl who was always wanting more.
Nature protected, held and healed me.
I found God in Her,
a stillness.
I knew from this early age that there was an honest path ahead of me. However, this path snaked deeper inside the wild than I dared to tread at just thirteen years of age.
Still, I was drawn to the knowing that Nature had many offerings that could heal dis-ease.
I knew one day I would walk further down this path.
It was motherhood that brought me back to the wild within me. The moment my daughter slipped from my womb to my arms, my remembrance came back with full force.
I fell upon
and I have never let go.
Since then,
I have spent the last eight years at home with my three children tucked snug under my wing. These have been the wildest years of my life as I have surrendered into each vulnerable crevice that only motherhood has gifted me. I have birthed four babies; one came earth-side in a peaceful hypnobirth, one was a deeply mourned miscarriage and my final two were powerful home-births.
Over these years, I have regularly sat in Circle with older and wiser women, gleaning information from their stories and herbal remedies. I have filled my own books with notes, ideas, wisdom and eventually my own trialed and tested remedies. I started studying with Rosemary Gladstar - arguably the world’s most well-known herbalist - and the world of herbalism has since engulfed me. These eight years have been a time of self-study and mentorship. Over time, I created what I hold now; a tapestry with strong roots in folk herbalism. I have stood at my own kitchen bench applying this information and experimenting with the herbs I grew in my own garden.
In 2024, after years of gifting herbal remedies to my community, I am now producing my first professional herbal offering. Called The Meadow, She is a fully immersive herbal experience.
The Meadow is a culmination of every professional skill I have obtained across mediums and within herbalism. I have wedged my whole heart into the centre of Her and I’m very excited to bring her out into the world.
If you are new to this page, I hope you enjoy your time as you wander around my stories, remedies and shop.