A place where story anD HERBALISM intertwine
Welcome to
The Wild and Her.
I am so glad you're here.
Holly Grace
The Meadow is an immersive herbal experience. Through the use of music and ritual, crafted with organic herbs for anxiety and restlessness, and combining a beautiful glass teapot, this is a one-of-its-kind tea ceremony.
Meet Holly
If I reached for herbal medicine to alleviate my pains, if I stood at the old stone bench and blended plants from my garden, and if I took the first sip and expected healing, I would most likely find myself back where I began.
Instead, I have found that the combination of wild-crafted herbs with rich contemplative story-telling is a blend that can relieve the ache.
After all, observing the soul life often plays a crucial part in healing the physical life.
So I invite you to sit with me beside this river as I weave words and plants together.
Perhaps you can take something from this daily practice of mine.
The roots of these remedies are steeped in anthroposophic care and folk herbalism. I have trialed and tested each one whilst standing at my kitchen bench,
or bent low in my medicinal garden,
or by the bedside of one of my children.
Observing the soul life often plays a crucial part in healing the physical life.
If life begins and ends with a story, then why not fill the entire (messy) middle with them also? Here is a collection of mine, so you can feel less alone with yours.
I hope when you read these stories you and your wonderful complexities feel held.